We definitely didn’t travel to celebrate a birthday

We didn’t go to Adelaide in August, and we definitely didn’t go to celebrate a 29th birthday. Also, we definitely did not stay in an amazing Airbnb on a farm in the Adelaide Hills.

Skiing in Whistler is never shit

We made it to Whistler. It’s such a lovely drive up. I never get sick of seeing snow on mountaintops. We stayed at the Westin. You can’t beat the ski-off location.

I did a couple of days of ski school to get my ski legs back. It was worth it: it really built up my confidence. After three days of ski school, the next four I was able to keep up with Chris.

Vancouver is pretty much my favourite city in the world

It was so good to make get back to Vancouver. We only had a couple of nights here, so we made the most of it!


An early start got us breakfast at a local café. We explored town a little bit, and had a look in a few shops. Then we caught a small boat over to Granville Island. This was the view we were met with. It was awful.

New York City, bay-bee!

So, we made it to New York. 15 hours and 35 minutes later. This plane travel business is exhausting.

No, I don’t want a custom suit or a copy-watch

Chris and I had been had been desperately waiting for this holiday for months. It was amazing. It was expensive. I came home fat. All the makings of a great holiday.

It all started with four days in Hong Kong.

View me, at the cricket, in Full HD

I’m not crying, you’re crying

Now I’m 30!

Yesterday I got back from a week away in the USA. I had three nights in Napa and four nights in down town San Francisco. It was pretty great.

There was a bit of a rough start though: high winds in Sydney delayed all flights around Australia. Our flight was delayed about four hours. So, we did what any good Australian does and got drunk in the Qantas lounge.


<a rel="lightbox" href="/user/pages/02.blog/holidays-2018/header.png"><img alt="" src="/images/a/9/a/d/4/a9ad46c71fd4ad4f05b062a9c80d48a20b663846-header.png" /></a>

Last week Chris and I booked our holidays for early 2019: In January and Febuary we have a cracking itinerary!

We definitely live in a simulation

Maybe Elon was right.