An even more superior dynamic pagination, using Smarty

The Smarty pagination system I demoed previously worked great, but it didn’t cache results. But, I’ve made it better.

An even better dynamic pagination, using Smarty

Some time ago I scoured the internet looking for a way to provide pagination in a Main Index template in Movable Type.

Using Smarty templating, there is an even easier way.

What is MTDynamicHandler?

You can engage Amazon Web Services to host an instance of Movable Type 7. The rates are quite decent: it’s free tier eligible! In fact, an AWS instance of MT is what got me back into the Movable Type ecosystem. And it’s lovely to be back.

Six Apart has two versions of Moveable Type available: nginx and Apache. I chose an nginx instance because I live in 2021, and of course I have a poke around. AWS has a stack of unique stuff associated with their MT install to facilitate the spinup of instances and execution of Perl. They also shipped a Perl module which intrigued me.

Part of what prevented me from playing more with Movable Type recently is my use of nginx and its apparent incompatibility with Dynamic Publishing. Despite a stack of research at the time, I couldn’t work out a way to get nginx to ingest .htaccess and rewrite rules to facilitate dynamic rendering. I could not get my own rewrite rules to work right.

reCaptcha plugin for Movable Type 7

I’ve installed the reCaptcha plugin for Movable Type for spam control.

Unfortunately, when using dynamic publishing, I got a helpful error:

An error occurs.